What Can Make Your Teeth Fall Out?

Our bones last a lifetime, and our teeth seem just as durable. So, why do we lose teeth?

There are a number of reasons why teeth fall out, and some are not so obvious. We are aware that decay causes dental loss. However, very few people endure the pain of deep decay until a tooth is completely eradicated. Instead, the more subtle process of gum disease moves in and victims are unaware of its insidious destruction.

Here are some reasons why teeth fall out due to gum disease, also known as periodontal disease.

What is periodontal disease? 

Gum disease is the leading cause of lost teeth. The disease begins very quietly. When plaque is not cleaned away from teeth, it hardens and becomes a bacteria magnet. The hard plaque and bacterial action cause gums to retract from teeth. The gum tissue acts as a sleeve to support the tooth. When gums recede, bacteria can move down into the roots of teeth and the jawbone. In time, the bone recedes from the tooth as well, causing the tooth to loosen and fall out.

Who are the victims of periodontal disease?

Men lose more teeth than women do, and persons over the age of 35 are most vulnerable to gum disease. Genetics can play a part. Age, genetics and sex are factors beyond our control.

Poor dental care contributes to periodontal disease.

Fully 60 percent of those with severe gum disease stated that they only occasionally brushed their teeth. Nearly 40 percent admitted that they had never visited a dentist to have teeth examined and professionally cleaned.

Smoking and chewing tobacco raise risks for periodontal disease. 

Smoking or chewing tobacco affects the attachment of gums to the necks of teeth, and impairs blood flow to gums just as it does to the cardiovascular system. When this happens, the mouth becomes very susceptible to periodontal disease, especially the teeth in front where a cigarette touches, or the back molars where chewing tobacco is inserted.

Diabetes may cause periodontal disease.

Diabetic disease causes vulnerability to infections like periodontitis, especially if blood sugar levels are not properly controlled. All of these conditions but age, genetics and sex are preventable or controllable through proactive hygiene and professional care.

What if teeth have already been lost to periodontal disease?

Dentures have been the standard answer to missing teeth since George Washington’s day. The long history alone would suggest time for a change, and rightly so. Today dental implants provide people with a strong set of non-removable teeth that feel just like their original teeth. For those who have suffered loss of teeth and the embarrassment of a gaping smile or ill-fitting dentures, implants are a wonderful solution.

Is the implant process time-consuming?

Traditional implants are time consuming and sometimes require bone grafts, several surgeries and significant financial outlay. The “All-On-4” implant technique allows stable teeth to be surgically placed in one day. Usually, bone grafting is not necessary with this procedure, and it is much less expensive than traditional dental implants.

The time savings is very important to those who have no teeth and are concerned about appearance.

Is the “All-On-4” implant procedure painful?

This procedure is usually pain-free, due to sophisticated and precise techniques. The new teeth predictably remain stable for 20-30 years or longer. Most people will not need restoration of the implanted teeth.

Lost teeth create more problems than the original decay or gum disease. Bone degeneration can cause destabilization of the dental arch, leading to the shifting of remaining teeth. Oral bacterial infection can then set in, causing more teeth to decay or fall out. Bone loss may prevent proper fitting of conventional dentures, and general health may be adversely affected by inability to chew foods properly.

Dental implants stop further bone loss and provide the stability of natural teeth.

6 Ways You Didn’t Know Your Teeth Affected Your Life and Health

When you regularly brush your teeth and clean in between them, your teeth and gums will be healthy. Doing this will prevent you from developing gum disease and tooth decay. It has also been established that good oral hygiene is an effective way to prevent dental problems. There is research that shows a direct link between a person’s oral health and their overall general health.

Heart Health

There have been studies showing a link between oral inflammatory disease and increased risk of heart disease. Canadian Academy of Periodontology has done research that illustrates how individuals with periodontal disease are at an increased risk for heart disease. They are at twice the risk of experiencing a fatal heart attack when compared to people who do not have periodontal disease. Gum disease resulting from bacterial exposure can result in cardiovascular disease. It can also increase inflammation throughout a person’s body. This inflammation is directly linked to increased risk for heart disease and more.


Research has shown there is a connection between gum disease and you developing diabetes. It has been established that individuals who are diabetic have a greater chance of developing gum disease. New research has shown gum disease as a major contributing factor for regulating blood glucose. According to the Canadian Diabetes Association, periodontal disease is an infection. It creates toxins that influence the carbohydrate metabolism of the cells in a person’s body. Bacteria from periodontal disease can increase your body’s insulin resistance and blood sugar levels.

Weight Loss

People have been able to lose weight by having proper oral hygiene. When you brush your teeth, this is an indication you are done eating. This can help you when it comes to learning portion control. When you are finished with a healthy meal, it’s time to go and brush your teeth. This has been effective in helping people not to give into the temptation of over eating or consuming a number of sweet desserts. A person’s body learns that brushing teeth means mealtime is over. You should not wait for bedtime to brush. People who have regularly brushed their teeth early in the evening, and right after their dinner, have often eliminated their desire for evening snacks.

Memory Preservation

If you have bleeding or swollen gums, it is known as gingivitis. According to a report published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, research has shown that adults who have gingivitis perform worse on tests involving memory and other cognitive skills when compared to people who have healthy gums and mouth. The two main tests where people with gingivitis performed worst involved subtraction as well as delayed verbal recall. These are two skills most people use daily. Healthy oral hygiene routines can prevent you from developing gingivitis.

Respiratory Infections

According to The Journal of Periodontology, gum disease could cause you to develop infections in your lungs. This includes an increased risk of getting pneumonia. Researchers have conducted studies that show when a person breathes in bacteria from their infected teeth and gums for a long period of time; they are more susceptible to respiratory infections.

Digestion Issues

Your body begins the process of digestion in the mouth. It is a chemical process. Bacteria that your mouth cannot eliminate will go with the food into your intestines. This bacteria can cause a number of problems during the digestive process. It can lead to a person developing irritable bowel syndrome as well as many other types of digestive disorders.

Find Health Benefits Through Dental Implants

You don’t want to leave a space when you lose teeth. When you have a dental implant, it is attached to the jawbone. This could be the place where your missing tooth’s root was once located. This is more effective than using a tooth-supported bridge that could damage surrounding teeth. A dental implant will benefit healthy teeth. They are able to prevent teeth from shifting.

A dental implant will also protect healthy bone. If you have empty spaces in your mouth after losing a single tooth or more, it can cause health issues. This could lead to the deterioration of a portion of your jawbone. A dental implant will preserve and stimulates the natural bone in your jaw. This will cause bone growth, which prevents bone loss.

4 Misconceptions That Are Holding You Back from Loving Your Smile

We all want a healthy, gorgeous smile to show off to the world, but all too often doubts and misinformation prevent us from seeking the dental assistance we need to make the most of our pearly whites. Dental implants not only improve your appearance and self-esteem, but correct chewing and prevent possible crowding, tipping, and future tooth loss from creating subsequent problems.

Unlike a crown, which sits atop the gum line, a dental implant is a long cylinder-shaped post that is surgically implanted into your jawbone where missing teeth and roots were once located. The tapered post becomes the support that anchors the rest of the tooth to the jawbone, creating a prosthetic tooth identical to a natural one.

Here are four common misconceptions about dental implants that may be keeping you from the smile you deserve.

1. Dental surgery is too painful and invasive.

As with any surgery, the amount of pain varies depending on personal tolerance and your body’s natural recovery time. Dental implant surgery is an office procedure performed by an experienced dental surgeon, with the average tooth implant often taking 15 minutes or less. The procedure is certainly less traumatic than other well-known dental operations, and your dental practitioner should always welcome your questions and concerns beforehand.

Patients generally report significantly less discomfort than expected after undergoing implant surgery, some even claiming the procedure to be far less painful than a simple tooth extraction. Recovery is fairly quick, with many patients able to return to work and their daily routines by the following day.

Typically any potential discomfort can be eased with over the counter painkillers, as well as IV sedation for a post-operative pain preventative.

2. Dental implants are too expensive.

A major–and very understandable–concern for many is the cost of dental work, which can be daunting to say the least. And with the majority of health insurance providers offering little to no coverage for necessary dentistry, a great number of people will simply go without, risking future problems of greater severity.

The good news is reputable dental implant practitioners will offer several financing options through affiliated companies, allowing you to make monthly payments in accordance with your income and budget.

Dental implants will save you money in the long run by preserving the jawbone and keeping adjacent teeth healthy and properly aligned. With routine care, an implant will likely last a lifetime, preventing any additional (and costly) dental procedures after the initial placement.

3. Not everyone is eligible for dental implants (age, not enough bone, etc).

While it’s true that the jawbone may become thin due to age and various traumas, state of the art grafting techniques and oral materials allow surgeons to easily and skillfully build up the necessary jawbone needed to support dental implants.

Older patients may worry that their jawbone is too weak for implants due to age and/or osteoporosis. However, dental implants are equally successful in patients with these concerns, with resulting overall health and wellbeing greatly improved.

4. Implant rejection rate is high.

Contrary to this misconception, dental implants carry a 96% success rate. Dental implants consist of biologically compatible ‘bone-friendly’ titanium material, allowing them to naturally heal and integrate into the surrounding tissues. Rejection is extremely rare, as are complications due to infection or soft healing.

Ultimately dental implants are the ideal and long lasting way to restore oral comfort and health, improve speech and bite function, and deliver the boost of confidence you need to greet the world with a smile. Your dedicated implantologist understands the value of a safe and comfortable experience, while keeping with only the most sophisticated, up-to-date dental techniques.

If You Have a Missing Tooth, You May Be at Risk for These Health Issues

2406a-chicagodentalIf you have a missing tooth, you might be wondering if it can lead to other problems. A missing tooth creates some obvious problems, such as difficulty chewing. However, missing teeth can cause other problems that are not as obvious. Some of these issues can take years to show up.

It is vital to know what these issues are. Knowing about these problems gives you the chance to weigh your options and make the choice that is best for you. In this article, you are going to learn about the effects of having a missing tooth. These effects include jaw disfigurement, tooth displacement and more.

Jaw Disfigurement

Over time, a missing tooth can cause your jaw bone to become disfigured. Your jawbone relies on your teeth for support. When you have one or more missing teeth, a vital part of that support structure is removed. This can cause your jawbone to cave in and become disfigured.

You will not notice this problem as soon as you lose your tooth. In fact, some people don’t see the signs and symptoms of jaw disfigurement until years later. The problem only becomes visible after the damage has already been done.

Tooth Displacement

When you lose a tooth, a gap is left behind. Sometimes the gap is small and does not cause any problems. However, a large gap is sometimes left behind. Much like your jawbone, your teeth support each other. Therefore, when you lose a tooth, your other teeth lose part of their support.

This can result in your other teeth caving in to fill the gap. In other words, your other teeth begin to collapse and become disfigured. Also like the issue with your jawbone, teeth displacement can take years to become apparent. Once the displacement is noticeable, it will only get worse.

Nutrition Deficiency

The gap in your teeth can make it difficult to chew. When eating becomes difficult, you might decide to avoid certain foods. Healthy foods, such as apples, are especially difficult to chew when you have missing teeth. This often results in avoiding apples and other healthy foods. If you have a missing tooth, it could easily result in a nutrition deficiency.

When you lose teeth, it is easier to eat less healthy foods. Many people increase their junk food consumption after they experience one or more missing teeth. The nutrition deficiency that results leads to an overall decline in health and immune system support.


The gap left behind from your missing tooth is sensitive. It can also collect some of the food you eat. This creates a dangers combination. The sensitive area is easily damaged when eating. This can create open sores. When food gets stuck in the open sores, an infection can occur.

These infections can be dangerous, and they can spread into your blood stream and create additional health problems. The risk of infection is not well-known. However, it can be a serious risk, so you need to be aware of it.

Mental Health Issues

Having a missing tooth can lead to mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. Even if the missing tooth is in the back of your mouth, the resulting jaw disfigurement will still be noticeable. People who experience jaw disfigurement often get social anxiety. They start to feel nervous and uncomfortable around other people. Their jaw disfigurement makes them self-conscience and afraid.

When people notice jaw disfigurement, it can also cause depression. Some cases of depression are mild. But the resulting depression can sometimes be serve. Depression can result in withdrawing from social situations and formally enjoyable actives.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, missing teeth can cause unexpected problems. These issues can lead to depression and anxiety. Some people find it difficult to recover from this. They are often caught off guard when these symptoms show up.

Everything can seem fine for years after losing the tooth, but the symptoms will slowly become noticeable. This information is meant to give you an overview of how a missing tooth can affect you in the long run. Having this knowledge will enable you to make the right choice for you.

7 Terrible Ways You Are Damaging Your Teeth Without Realizing It

Your smile is the very first thing that most people will notice about you, and you want to leave a good impression, right? A bright, strong smile displays confidence and tells the world that you care about your appearance.

In fact, your daily routine is the single most important thing that you can do to create and maintain a perfect, white smile. A good program of dental hygiene begins and ends right at home.

Yet, even our best intentions can have disastrous results. Here are seven things that you could be doing that are damaging your teeth, without you even realizing it.

ddb8a-dentalimplantschicago1: Opening Packages with your Incisors

Using your front teeth like a pair of scissors is a bad idea. Opening a bag of chips, tearing off that piece of duct tape as you make a repair…those can all add up over time to damage your tooth’s enamel. The reason? The very tip of the incisor is also its thinnest part. This means that not only are you running the very real risk of chipping your front teeth, but you also are quickly wearing down the enamel, much like you would if you were grinding them together.

2: Doing Intense Workouts

Didn’t see this one coming, did you? For all the health benefits that it offers, working out can actually have a negative impact on our teeth. This is caused by two things: The dehydration that intense exercise can cause in the body combined with the dry mouth that comes from breathing hard for an extended time.

Dry mouth is characterized by a reduction in saliva, which leads to an increase in bacterial growth that can cause tooth decay. So while you should definitely work out, it isn’t a bad idea to drink lots of water during the effort. Also, chewing sugar-free gum will encourage saliva production, helping to prevent dryness.

3: Alcohol-based Mouthwash

Another surprise. While it is true that alcohol kills germs (feel the burn – that way you know it’s working,) alcohol also dries out the mouth, and a dry mouth breeds bacteria, as mentioned above.

This is the reason “morning breath” is so potent. Saliva production decreases at night, allowing bacteria to grow. So if you needed proof, there it is.

But if you insist that only alcohol can kill germs because you can “feel it working,” make sure that you rinse well afterwards, and again drink plenty of water.

4: Acid Found in Beverages

Everyone knows the risk associated with carbonated soda and the incredible amounts of sugar they contain. But did you know that their sugar-free counterparts are just as bad? This is because when you consume them, you are literally bathing your teeth in an acidic liquid.

What’s worse is that because people are led to believe that the sugar-free varieties are somehow “safer,” they tend to consume more of them, and are less likely to brush afterwards.

Also, in this category are citrus fruit drinks, including the wildly popular lemon water that everyone seems to think should be consumed several times a day. Acidic liquids will erode the enamel of your teeth over time, leading them to stain easily and become painful. In addition to that, acid will also temporarily soften the tooth’s enamel, so if you do drink an acidic drink, use a straw and avoid brushing for at least 45 minutes afterwards.

5: Chewing on Pencils and Pens

Chewing very hard objects such as pens and pencils is not something that your teeth were designed to do. Over time, chewing on objects can cause your teeth to shift and even create small hairline fractures. Another danger with regards to pencils is tiny wood splinters lodging in the tissue of the gums.

If you really crave something to chew, sugar-free gum is a far better choice.

6: Brushing Too Hard

This is an easy one to do because it seems logical that harder brushing will remove the most plaque and bacteria. Your best bet, though, is to brush regularly at least twice a day and use a soft-bristled brush, brushing for around two minutes. This is much more effective than simply going in hot and acting like you’re trying to remove rust.

7: Using an Abrasive Powder

Teeth-whitening is all the rage today, and for good reason: Who doesn’t want whiter teeth? But this is something that is best left to the professionals. Abrasive powders such as baking soda will grind away at your enamel like sandpaper.

What makes abrasives especially bad is that in the impatient rush to see immediate results, many people apply these products way more often than needed. Sometimes even daily.

Taken by themselves, these are not going to ruin your oral health. But you do need to be aware of them and how often you may be doing them, especially when taken together.

11 Weird But True Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Your Teeth

40c9c-dentalimplantsDid you know these eleven weird facts about your teeth?

1. Tooth enamel, also known as apatite, is the hardest substance produced by your body. With a value of 5 on the Mohs scale for mineral hardness, your teeth are harder than most metals. That being said, it is strongly advised that you do not attempt to test this by biting into metal objects. Though your enamel may be strong, it is at most only a few millimeters thick.

2. Wisdom teeth are on their way out. Over one-third of people today are born without wisdom teeth, and given enough time, they will disappear altogether. They were important for our ancestors to grind up the nuts, roots and grains that comprised the typical human diet in the past. Because humans no longer rely on the same diet, we are evolving past the need for wisdom teeth.

3. Certain types of cheeses will prevent tooth decay. Besides being a good source of calcium, cheese will raise the pH level and lower acidity in your mouth. The compounds in cheeses also adhere to the enamel and provide additional protection against acids. Aged cheddar, Swiss and Monterey Jack are some best known for having these benefits.

4. Your teeth are as unique as your fingerprints. You have probably seen this come up many times in film and television, where remains are identified through dental records. This is known as Forensic Dentistry and is an essential tool for CSI departments. No two people have the exact same set of teeth, not even identical twins.

5. If you are under the age of 35 and are missing teeth, chances are they were lost due to sports injuries, fighting, or some type of accident. For adults over the age of 35, the primary cause of tooth loss is periodontal disease. Gum disease, or gingivitis, begins with bacterial growth in the mouth and can eventually cause destruction of the tissues that surround the teeth.

6. Athletic mouth guards are excellent for preventing sports injuries. People who play sports have a much higher risk of damaging their teeth than the average person. Depending upon the sport you play, you could be at more than 60 times the risk of injuring your teeth compared to those who do not play sports.

7. Dental implants are not susceptible to cavities and decay. It is, however, still important to practice good dental hygiene in order to maintain the health of the gums. This includes flossing as well as brushing around the implants.

8. The Etruscans were one of the earliest cultures to practice dentistry. False teeth were made by carving down the teeth from other mammals and were held together with wire. The partial bridges that they constructed were strong enough to chew and eat with.

9. To more efficiently test the strength of dental materials, researchers developed a mechanical mouth which can duplicate the effects of a years worth of chewing in a single day. It takes four bites in one second and cost around $250,000.

10. Apart from the common cold, tooth decay is one of the most common diseases in the world. More than half the people on the planet suffer from some form of tooth decay. In the US, over two-thirds of young adults have experienced tooth decay at some point.

11. Before dentistry was an established field of its own, you would typically see a barber or a blacksmith if your teeth were giving you trouble. The tools used by blacksmiths and barbers were the nearest analogs of modern dental tools. The same pliers used to pull the nails from a horse’s shoe would often be used to extract teeth. Barbers would often perform other surgeries along with dental procedures. This is why the red and white spiral pole can still be seen in barber shops today.

Dentures a Relic of the Past? 5 Reasons Why Dentures May Be Going Away for Good

40c9c-dentalimplantsAre you considering dentures for your missing teeth? If so, you might want to know that you have other options for replacing your teeth. This article will tell you five reasons why you may want to consider getting dental implants instead of fixed bridges or removable dentures.

1) You Will Have No More Missing Teeth

Many people who have missing teeth experience some sort of embarrassment because of it. According to a report from the Surgeon General, millions of Americans have at least one missing tooth. On average, a person who is at least 50 years of age is missing at least 12 teeth. It also turns out that a quarter of those people have some fear of intimate relations. If you’re wearing a removable denture, this can be easy to imagine.

When you get dental implants, you will no longer have to worry about cleaning a removable denture or wearing a fixed bridge that looks unnatural. Dental implants look like your natural teeth, so you should be able to get over the fear of getting intimate with a loved one.

2) You Will Have No More Cavities

According to a data brief from the National Center for Health Statistics, 91 percent of American adults have cavities. Over a quarter of these adults have untreated tooth decay. These problems are hard enough to treat on their own. When you’re dealing with both cavities and tooth decay, this can mean multiple visits to the dentist, as well as thousands of dollars in dental bills.

If you have to pay your dentist anyway, it’s probably a good idea to buy dental implants. With implants, you will no longer have to worry about the decay of your teeth or cavities. Making this major commitment now can save you dozens of visits to your dentist over the years.

3) Adhesive Is Not the Answer

Ask any person with dentures and they will tell you: Wearing dentures are not a picnic. You are not able to eat certain foods, you have to take out your dentures at night, you have to spend money on denture tablets, and you may have to deal with feelings of self- consciousness.

Another factor that makes dentures unwieldy is having to deal with denture adhesive. It’s messy and gross and not fun to handle. When you get dental implants, your days of dealing with the nasty ooze of denture adhesives will be over. As a matter of fact, you will not have to use any sort of adhesive. Dental implants stay in your mouth without you having to do anything on your part.

4) You Will Have Natural Looking Teeth

There is nothing worse than dentures that don’t match your natural teeth. Feelings of self-consciousness are sure to come up as you constantly wonder what people think of your smile. The chances are good that you don’t even do it for that very reason. According to researchers, people who smile more are happier. But it’s hard to be happy with your life when you are not happy with your smile. Your smile is often the first thing that people notice about you.

When you get dental implants, your prosthodontist will work to make sure that your new teeth match the rest of your mouth. No prosthodontist is worth their salt if you don’t leave their office completely satisfied with your new look.

5) You Will Have Teeth That Will Last For Decades

Unlike your natural teeth, dental implants will not decay or come down with cavities. Dental implants are known for lasting decades after they are first inserted into your mouth. Once you have these implants, you can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars because you will no longer have to visit the dentist for issues related to aging teeth. As long as you practice good dental hygiene at home and continue to visit your local dentist two times a year, there is no reason why your dental implants won’t last as long as you do.

8 Ways You Didn’t Know You Could Drastically Improve Your Smile

f192f-beautifulsmileThere are many paths on the road towards the beautiful smile that you’ve always wanted. Some are simple procedures while some are a bit more involved, but each focuses on the unique dental needs of every individual.

1. Cosmetic Fillings

Cosmetic fillings use natural-looking components such as porcelain instead of gold and silver-colored fillings to repair worn and cracked teeth as well as cavities. Cosmetic fillings include dental porcelain fillings, dental composite fillings and dental ionomers. Dental porcelain fillings are mainly used for crowns, inlays, onlays and veneers, composite fillings restore teeth that has decayed and ionomers focus on cavities and cracks near the gum line and tooth root.

2. Bonding

Bonding is a veneer alternative that uses tooth-colored material to close gaps and improve tooth color. Bonding isn’t as permanent as veneers and may also stain. Caps may be used if damage occurs to bonding in a short period of time.

3. Cosmetic Contouring

Cosmetic contouring deals with minor changes such as smoothing pointy teeth and minor chips and restructuring worn teeth. Cosmetic contouring is often combined with dental whitening for a drastic change in the appearance of a smile.

4. Crowns

Crowns use ceramic to create artificial teeth that are placed over filed-down teeth. Teeth that are filed down are severely damaged or have had to had enamel removed due to decay. Crowns are also attached to dental implants and bridges and are used as caps for a complete make-over. It’s very important to floss and brush daily and gargle with an anti-bacterial mouthwash to avoid tartar and debris accumulation around the crown, and any teeth-damaging habits such as jaw clenching and teeth-grinding should be remedied.

5. Bridges

Bridges are custom-made appliances composed of porcelain or gold alloys that replace sections of missing teeth, which remedies bite issues in the upper and lower teeth as well as its natural contour. Bridges come in the form of permanent bridges, cantilever bridges, conventional fixed bridges and resin-bonded bridges. Implant bridges are appliances placed below the bone or gum tissue.

6. Ridge Augmentation

Ridge augmentation rebuilds part of the jaw bone in order to enhance gum line appearance and tooth crowns. This surgical procedure is used after trauma to the jawline caused by tooth loss or genetics.

7. Soft Tissue Grafts

Soft tissue grafts involve the removal of soft tissue from one part of the mouth to other parts that need enhancement. Soft tissue grafts are used in cases of gum recession and periodontist.

8. Implants

Implants come in single tooth form to replace one tooth, while other procedures can replace an entire row of teeth. Special implant procedures are used to patients who would once be unable to receive dental implants due to insufficient bone in the jaw.

6 Reasons Why Dentures Aren’t the Answer to Your Dental Problems

Many people who experience tooth loss opt to replace missing teeth with full or partial dentures. However, while this method is the least expensive option available, it comes with numerous disadvantages.

For this reason, a growing number of people are choosing dental implants to deal with tooth loss. Here are six reasons why dentures aren’t the answer to your dental problems and how implants are superior.

Dentures Are High Maintenance

896e9-chicagodentalimplantDentures require considerable effort to keep clean, going well beyond a typical oral care routine. They must be scrubbed thoroughly each day to remove bacteria and left to soak in a special solution overnight. Furthermore, dentures are made from plastic and can easily become scratched. This allows bacteria to collect in the scratches, which can lead to foul odors, gum infections and stains. On top of it all, dentures must be handled with great care. If they are dropped onto a hard surface, they’re likely to break, requiring you to have a new set made.

Dental implants are seated firmly into your jawbone like real teeth. This means that you only have to care for them as you would your natural teeth with regular brushing and flossing. Dental implants are also more resistant to stains and scratches, much like real teeth. Furthermore, because implants aren’t removable, there is no chance of dropping them and having them break.

Dentures Are Inconvenient

Aside from the rigorous care requirements of dentures, simply wearing them can be highly inconvenient. You must use sticky, cumbersome denture pastes to get them to adhere to your gums. Despite this, dentures can fail to stay in place while you’re eating or speaking, resulting in potentially embarrassing situations.

In addition, there will still be many foods you can’t enjoy with dentures, such as corn on the cob, nuts, raw vegetables, steak and other hard or tough foods. These are difficult to bite or chew, and they can damage your dentures or cause gum irritation. Chewy or sticky foods, like taffy and gum, must also be avoided as they can become stuck in your dentures or pull them out of place. Dental implants, on the other hand, don’t come with any of these limitations.

Dentures May Cause Jawbone Deterioration

One of the biggest problems with dentures is that prolonged use allows the jawbone to deteriorate and shrink. This is because there are no longer tooth roots in the jaw to support it and provide the necessary stimulation for good bone health. As a result, people who have had dentures for many years often develop a “sunken” appearance in their cheeks and around their lips.

Dental implants consist of titanium posts that are embedded into the jawbone, which serve as surrogate roots to support the jaw and transfer stimulation during eating or speaking. This effectively prevents bone deterioration.

Dentures Aren’t Always Comfortable

Another problem with dentures is that they commonly cause sore spots on the gums. This is often because the dentures fit poorly, but even the best-fitting dentures can shift and wiggle during use, causing gum irritation through excessive friction. Furthermore, the fit of the dentures only becomes worse as your jawbone deteriorates. There is no such issue with dental implants because they’re permanently fixed in place.

Dentures May Increase the Risk of Gum Disease

Food particles can become stuck in the denture paste and even under the dentures themselves, allowing the delicate gum tissue to be exposed to harmful bacteria for prolonged periods. This serves to increase the likelihood of developing gum diseases or infections, and the sores caused by friction during shifting only makes this worse. With dental implants, however, the risk of developing gum disease is very low as long as you follow a proper oral hygiene regimen.

Dentures Can Be Difficult to Adjust

Many people who get dentures find that they have considerable difficulty adjusting to them. Speaking and eating with dentures requires practice to get used to, they limit your food options, they cause discomfort and they’re a major hassle to care for. They can even interfere with your ability to taste foods, which is something many people never get used to.

Dental implants, on the other hand, only require some time to allow your gums to heal from the implant procedure, and then you’re ready to use them just like real teeth.

13 Surprising Ways Smiling Can Improve Your Mind, Body and Soul

You can easily improve the state of your mind, body and soul. It is as simple as smiling as often as possible. These are 13 surprising ways you can make the quality of your life better.

13e78-restoreyournaturallook1. Mood Enhancer

Countless studies have shown that smiling can make you happy. The belief is that if you smile, it will reinforce and intensify any happiness feelings you already have inside. Your happy mood, no matter how minimal, will intensify by smiling.

2. Eliminate Depression

Just as a smile is a mood enhancer, it can actually help to combat depression or depressive thinking. Numerous studies are beginning to prove that by smiling when you are upset, angry or depressed can actually change your perspective on any given situation or state of mind.

3. Make the Day of a Stranger

Smiling at a stranger can be infectious in several ways. When you smile at a stranger, they will often smile back and it will give you a good feeling which will make you do it more often. It will also give a good feeling to the person at whom you are smiling and possibly make them start smiling at strangers more often.

4. Burn Calories

Smiling does burn calories; albeit, smiling will not be a replacement for exercise anytime soon. And, if you laugh in addition to smiling, you will burn even more calories.

5. Heal Your Heart

Smiling is good for your heart. A University of Kansas study suggests that your heart is able to recover more quickly from stressful tasks and life events with the help of smiling. The study shows that the more quickly and often you smile after a stressful period the more quickly your heart rate will return to normal. It will also lower your blood pressure.

6. Improve Test Scores

When people of any age are smiling and laughing in a classroom, they are more likely to improve their test scores by 14 percent, according to medical research at Johns Hopkins. If you are enjoying yourself and smiling in a learning environment, you will be more receptive to the material.

7. Overall Good Health

Various studies have shown that smiling can be good for your overall health. Your immune system can improve greatly by smiling. It is believed that when you are in a more relaxed state, such as from the effects of smiling, various neurotransmitters are released that are in direct connection to your immune system.

8. Project Success

A person who smiles often portrays the image of success. People generally associate happy people with people who are successful. If you smile, people will assume the best about you.

9. Stay Positive

A smile will help you stay positive regardless of any negative thoughts. If you are smiling and have a negative thought, it is quite difficult to lose your smile. The more you smile, the fewer negative thoughts you will have.

10. Greater Confidence

A great smile will give you greater confidence. This is a domino effect of sorts. When you have great confidence, you will feel better about yourself, people will want to spend more time with you and you will have more opportunities in life.

11. Make a Connection

It is often difficult to make connections with people in life. If you smile during conversations, you are more likely to create a more meaningful connection with the person to whom you are speaking.

12. Attract Positive Attention

If you are a person with a bright and welcoming smile, people will want to be around you. In fact, your smile could act as a trance in that people will be drawn to you. A smile conveys a happy person with a good nature.

13. Look Younger

If you still need convincing that smiling is good for you, it will also help you look younger. If you would like to remove several years off your appearance, smile more frequently.

Smiling is a vital component to the state of your mind, body and soul. All you need to do is smile to improve your mental and physical health, as well as to improve the lives of those around you.